Calendar Call

 What is a Calendar Call in Georgia?

There are many steps in the criminal justice process along with numerous hearings and court appearances. One type of court appearance is a calendar call. Calendar call is a court date set by a judge where both the prosecutor and defense attorney provide information regarding a case. The purpose of calendar calls is to help move cases along and for the judge to hear an update about the case. It is beneficial in every state of the criminal justice process to have a Georgia Criminal Defense Attorney and calendar calls are no exceptions. While calendar calls are a normal thing to lawyers, they can appear overwhelming to people who are not represented. The criminal justice system is tough to navigate, and it is to your benefit to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Contact our offices today to speak to one of our Georgia Attorneys.

What is a Calendar Call?

A calendar call is one of the court appearances you or your attorney is required to attend during your case. Notice is sent via mail or email to you or your attorney stating the date of the calendar. On that day, there must be a representative for every case. There can be 20 cases on the calendar or 80 cases. The judge will state the name of the case and then the plaintiff and defendant are required to update him or her on the status of the case. If they are ready for trial, they inform the judge, and a court date will be set. Other times, they notify the judge that more discovery is needed or another reason why the case is not yet ready for trial. The judge may ask them when they will expect to be ready for trial. The judge will talk to the parties about their case and may ask questions. Then they will either allow them more time or give them a trial date.

Who Has to Attend?

The majority of judges in Georgia require calendar calls to be in person, so the judge, attorneys, and all involved parties meet. However, there are a few judges that allow for calendar calls to happen via email or by telephone.

If the judge requires it to be in person, then someone must attend. Your attorney could attend on your behalf or you could go as well. If you do not attend and do not have a lawyer to go on your behalf, then the judge will issue a bench warrant for your arrest. 

Contact Us

The criminal justice system is not designed for self-service. Lawson and Berry have over 50 combined years of criminal defense experience and are ready to assist with your case. They can answer any question you have and will walk you through the entire process. Contact our offices today for a free case evaluation.

Contact Us Today for Immediate Help

The time is now to start preparing your defense! Many times people lose the opportunity to put on their best defense because they wait. The importance of hiring a lawyer from the very beginning cannot be overstated! Waiting allows for witnesses to leave the area, evidence to be lost, and memories to fade. All of these have a direct effect on the successful on your case. The time to begin your case and start prepping your defense is now! Contact us today to put on your best Georgia criminal defense!
