DUI Court

Georgia DUI Court

DUI Court is a type of treatment offered in numerous counties throughout Georgia. It is an intensive program that is overseen by the State or a Superior Court judge. The purpose of DUI Court is to stop the abuse of drugs and alcohol and give offenders a second chance. DUI courts generally include treatment, drug screens, counseling, and regular court appearances.

Studies have shown that incarceration is not an effective, long term deterrent for repeat offenders. DUI Court has a higher level of treatment success and assists in increasing public safety as well.

Many counties have their own DUI court with their own requirements. It is important to understand what is required because DUI court has many rules involved. DUI court is a serious commitment and it should be discussed with a Georgia DUI Lawyer whether it is a good option for you or not. DUI court does not allow for mistakes, appointments to be missed, or rules to be broken. When these things happen, the court may issue sanctions, order more community service, more classes, or add jail time. You must be ready to take it seriously and commit 100% or else you will likely spend more time in jail than if you chose not to participate.

How Do I Get Into DUI Court?

The Court system does not force you to participate in DUI court. Instead, it is something you agree to (after discussing with a Georgia DUI Attorney) and it is a treatment plan you follow after conviction as a part of your probation.

Fulton County DUI Court

Fulton County's DUI Court is ordered by the State Court as a condition of probation. Before DUI court, the offender must complete a Clinical Evaluation who will then recommend the appropriate level of treatment. Fulton County has two different programs: an early intervention/hybrid program and a level 1 program. The early intervention/hybrid program consists of a 30 week program. Everyone must attend the program 3 times a week for 12 weeks and then they participate in an assessment at the end of the 12 weeks. After completion, participants may then go onto the psycho-educational program that meets twice a week for the last 18 weeks. The level 1 program has four different 12-week phases for a maximum of 9 hours per week. During treatment, urine drug screens and random breathalyzers will be required. In addition, participants are required to attend a minimum of three 12-step meetings per week and obtain a sponsor. 

Gwinnett County DUI Court

Gwinnett County's DUI Court is a three-phrase intervention program that is a minimum of twelve months and consists of three phases. The program encompasses vocational and educational components along with providing substance abuse treatment. Gwinnett County DUI court forms a team that consists of the defense attorney, solicitor, DUI court coordinator, case manage, surveillance officer, treatment provider, and probation services. 

Hall County DUI Court

The Hall County DUI Court seeks to bring a behavioral change in a DUI offender that reduces recidivism and the abuse of alcohol and drugs in the future. They require offenders to participate in DUI Court but do not reduce or dismiss charges upon completion of the program.

Athens-Clarke County DUI Court

The Athens DUI Court strives to improve the quality of offender's lives and reduce repeat offenses to improve community safety. They try to provide offenders a solid foundation to build upon in order to become productive members of society. The program lasts for a minimum of 14 months and consists of 4 phases: extended assessment, treatment and early recovery, relapse prevention, and recovery management.

Contact Us Today

If you have been charged with a DUI and think you would be a good candidate for DUI court, contact our offices today. We will make sure you understand exactly what DUI court entails and ensure you are ready for that type of commitment. Our office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so call us today and schedule a free case evaluation.

Contact Us Today for Immediate Help

The time is now to start preparing your defense! Many times people lose the opportunity to put on their best defense because they wait. The importance of hiring a lawyer from the very beginning cannot be overstated! Waiting allows for witnesses to leave the area, evidence to be lost, and memories to fade. All of these have a direct effect on the successful on your case. The time to begin your case and start prepping your defense is now! Contact us today to put on your best Georgia criminal defense!
