Have You Been Charged with Acceptance of Benefit, Reward or Consideration As a Witness in Georgia?
The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the rights of criminal defendants. One such guarantee is the right to a fair trial. As a witness, accepting a benefit or reward in exchange for providing testimony violates a defendant's right to a fair trial. If you have been charged with acceptance of a benefit, reward, or other consideration, you need a Georgia Attorney. The consequences for this type of conviction in Georgia are not to be taken lightly. You need the best representation from the beginning in order to present your best defense. Our attorneys have unparalleled defense experience and are prepared to help with your case today. Contact us now for a free case evaluation.
O.C.G.A. §16-10-92
A person who is or may be a witness at a trial, hearing, or other proceeding before any court or any officer authorized by the law to hear evidence or take testimony and who receives or agrees or offers to receive any benefit, reward, or consideration to which he is not entitled, pursuant to an agreement or understanding that his testimony will be influenced thereby or that he will absent himself from the trial, hearing, or other proceeding will be guilty of violating this statute.
Penalty for Accepting a Benefit, Reward, or Consideration as a Witness in Georgia
The consequences of being convicted of violating O.C.G.A. §16-10-92 are a prison term between one and five years. It will also be treated as a felony.
Acceptance of Benefit, Reward, or Consideration as a Witness Defenses in Georgia
I am not a witness: If you were not a witness as described under the statute, then it does not apply to you.
I did not let it influence my testimony: This argument requires the expertise of a Georgia Attorney. Evidence that you did receive a benefit but it did not influence your testimony or actions would be required.
What Does Not Constitute a Defense in Georgia
I had not received anything: Even if you had not received anything yet but you had agreed that you would receive something in exchange for testimony, you will still have violated the statute.
Contact Us
To schedule a free consultation with Lawson and Berry or one of our Georgia Acceptance or Bribery of Witnesses Lawyers, contact our office today. We will assist you in formulating the best possible defense for your case. We will walk you through every step of the process, and we are dedicated to being accessible to you- days, nights, weekends, and holidays while working hard on your behalf. Your Witness Lawyer in Georgia will make sure you understand all of your options and advise you on the best approach to take for your case based on their many years of experience. Don't wait to contact one of our Georgia Acceptance, Benefit, or Consideration for Witnesses Attorneys. Your future is at stake so don't sit around waiting for your case to resolve itself.