Offenses Related to Judicial and Other Proceedings in Georgia
Our court system is designed with the “innocent until proven guilty” standard. However, there are many crimes that interfere with the purity of the court system and instead try to taint the process. Crimes related to judicial proceedings include compounding a crime, evidence tampering, destroying documents, or influencing witnesses. All of these crimes hinder the ability of the court to achieve a fair trial. These crimes are treated harshly and therefore, if you are charged with one of these crimes, you need experienced legal representation. At Lawson and Berry, our offices have been dealing exclusively with criminal defense for over 20 years. We will work with you to achieve the best possible outcome for your case and will walk you through every step of the court process. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.
Some of the offenses related to judicial or other proceedings include:
Acceptance of Benefit, Reward, or Consideration as a Witness: Presenting testimony as a witness in a criminal proceeding is not a decision to be taken lightly. You are swearing that you will only speak the truth. Accepting a bribe, reward, or another benefit that changes your testimony or convinces you to miss court is a felony charge.
Compounding a Crime: Compounding a crime is similar to some of the other offenses in this section except it deals with a victim's actions. Compounding occurs when a victim fails to show up to court or decides not to pursue criminal prosecution of their offender in exchange for a bribe.
Embracery: The crime of embracery governs interactions with jurors. Defendants in criminal cases are entitled to an impartial jury and embracery violates that right. It can be accomplished in different ways but ultimately it is when a person communicates with a juror in an attempt to influence their action as a juror.
Illegal Renumeration of Judges: Illegal renumeration occurs when a judge or other law enforcement official receives some type of compensation for giving information about an ongoing case. After the case is over, they are allowed to share about the case but not during.
Impersonating Another in the Course of a Judicial Proceeding: Being a witness in a criminal proceeding is a very important role. Impersonating a witness in any action that may result in damage, loss, or injury will be treated as a felony in Georgia.
Influencing Witnesses: There are a myriad of ways a person can be convicted of influencing witnesses. They can offer a reward or another form of compensation to a witness to influence their witness. Another way is when they intimidate or threaten a witness into not showing up for court. However, no matter the circumstances, the accused will be guilty of a felony, if convicted.
Intimidation or Injury of any Juror or Officer of the Court: Similarly to the crimes, being a witness is an important part of our criminal justice system. When a person intimidates or threatens injury to a juror or another office of the court, that is a crime. The threat of force can be done through action, letter, or another type of communication.
Tampering with Evidence: Evidence tampering is a serious crime in Georgia. It can occur in a number of ways and can be punished as a misdemeanor or a felony. Tampering with evidence has been committed when a person conceals, alters, destroys, or hides evidence or if they plant false evidence.
Willful Destruction, Alteration, or Falsification of Medical Records: Accurate medical records are critical in criminal cases. It is illegal to destroy, alter, or falsify any part of medical records needed for trial. A conviction under this statute will be treated as a misdemeanor.
Penalty for a Conviction for an Offense Related to Judicial or Other Proceeding
The general punishment for a crime related to judicial or other proceeding is prison time or a fine, or both. However, some of the crimes are categorized as felonies and felony convictions carry significant penalties. Just some of the consequences are difficult in obtaining employment, housing, or a job. Because of the severity of the penalty, it is crucial that you retain a Georgia Criminal Defense Attorney to help you through the process.
Defenses to Offenses Related to Judicial and Other Proceedings in Georgia
While each crimes has specific defenses that apply to it; there are some defenses that generally apply to judicial related crimes in Georgia including:
Lack of Evidence: There must be sufficient evidence tying you to the criminal act. If there is not enough evidence or it is insufficient to show you committed a crime, then you cannot be found guilty.
Unintentional: Many crimes related to judicial or other proceedings require that the criminal act be done intentionally or knowingly. If the action was done accidentally and there is evidence to support this, then you may not be guilty of a crime.
This is not an extensive list of the defenses that could be used in your case. These are just some of the defenses your Attorney will evaluate to see if they apply. Every case is different and our Lawyers will work with you to provide the best defense. That is why it is vital to call a Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyer at Lawson and Berry to speak with them about your specific case.
Contact Us
Crimes related to judicial or other proceedings can be highly technical and difficult to navigate on your own. You need an Attorney who understands the consequences a conviction will have on your future. Your Georgia Criminal Defense Attorney will investigate all the details surrounding your case and evaluate your options. They will be available all the time to you – even nights and weekends – because your case is important. Lawson and Berry and their team of Lawyers will work with you to fight your charge and avoid a conviction. Call today to schedule a free case evaluation.