Interfering with Others and Authorities

Interfering With Others and Authority Crimes in Georgia

Crimes that fall under the category of interfering with others and authorities include littering, bail jumping, public drunkenness, and arson. A wide variety of crimes are contained under this category and their penalties range just as well. Whatever the crime, the Office of Lawson and Berry are here to help. With over 20 years experience exclusively in criminal defense, they will ensure you receive the best defense possible. Contact one of our highly knowledgeable Georgia Interfering with Others Lawyers today. 

What Are Interfering With Others and Authorities Crimes in Georgia?

Advocating the Overthrow of the GovernmentAdvocating the overthrow of the government is a federal and state crime. It will be punished as a felony and comes with a lengthy prison sentence and large fines.

Aiding or Permitting Another to Escape Lawful Custody or ConfinementA person can be guilty of aiding escape if they knowingly aid another in escaping from lawful custody or from any place of lawful confinement. A person will be guilty of a felony if convicted of aiding escape in Georgia. 

Affray: Affray is a crime that violates public order and safety. It is defined as fighting between two or more people  in a public place that disturbs the public tranquility. A conviction for affray in Georgia will be treated as a misdemeanor. 

Bail Jumping: Bail jumping is a serious offense in Georgia. A person can be convicted of bail jumping when they intentionally fail to comply with their conditions of bail. It does not matter whether the defendant had been charged with a misdemeanor or a felony. 

Burning of Woodlands, Brush, or Fields: Georgia deems it a crime to start of cause a fire in woodlands, brush, fields, or other lands that are not one's own. The burning of woodlands can be a felony or misdemeanor. 

Criminal Trespass: There are multiple ways in which a person can be convicted of criminal trespass in Georgia. One way is when a person intentionally damages or interferes with the property of another without consent from that person. Another way criminal trespass happens is if a person maliciously interferes with the possession or use of the property of another. In either situation, the person would be convicted of a misdemeanor. 

Criminal Damage to Property in the 1st Degree: Criminal damage and criminal trespass are similar crimes but criminal damage comes with more serious repercussions. Criminal damage to property in the first degree occurs when a person knowingly and without authority interferes with property to endanger human life. An example is if Bob fired shots into George's vehicle while George was in the car. 

Criminal Damage to Property in the 2nd Degree: Second degree criminal damage to property occurs when property is intentionally damaged and the damage exceeds $500.00. It lacks the endangering human life element that first degree requires. Furthermore, criminal trespass is a lesser included crime of criminal damage in the second degree. 

Disorderly Conduct: Disorderly conduct is a commonly filed criminal charge. Many actions can be considered disorderly conduct but generally a crime has occurred when the peace of the community is disturbed or the actions cause a risk of harm. Disorderly conduct is charged as a misdemeanor in Georgia. 

False SwearingFalse swearing is similar to perjury. However, false swearing applies in situations outside a court proceeding. A conviction for false swearing will be charged as a felony. It is critical to retain a Georgia Interfering with Others and Authorities Attorney now if you have been charged with false swearing. 

Inciting to Insurrection: Inciting to insurrection requires that the accused incites others to overthrow or attempt to overthrow a government and commits any violent act in furtherance of it. Inciting to insurrection is a felony conviction in Georgia. 

Inciting to Riot: The offense of inciting to riot has three elements: engaging in conduct that urges, counsels, or advises others to riot, an intent to riot, and at a time and place which produce a clear and present danger to riot. A person convicted of inciting to riot will be guilty of a misdemeanor in Georgia. 

Interference with Electronic Monitoring Devices: An electronic monitoring device is an instrument that keeps trackof a person's activities. This devices are generally worn on a person's ankle. While interfering with a device does not seem like a serious charge, it will be a felony conviction that comes with severe consequences. 

Interference with Government Property: A person can interfere with government property in two different ways. The first way is by destroying, damaging, or defacing government property. The second way is when someone forcibly interferes with or obstructs with entering government property. 

Littering: No matter what kind of property or road, it is illegal to litter. Litter includes rubbish, junk, waste, dead animals, or other refuse. While littering is charged as a misdemeanor, it is common for judges to order the defendant to engage in litter pickup as part of their punishment. 

Loitering or Prowling: No loitering signs are highly prevalent in city areas and in neighborhoods. They are there to promote peace and safety for the people in those areas. Loitering or prowling occurs when a person hangs around a place at an unusual hour and there is concern for the safety of people in the vicinity.

Manufacturing or Possessing with Intent to Distribute an Explosive Device: Explosive devices include any explosive, grenade, weapon of mass destruction, biological weapon, or a combination of parts intended to be used as a destructive device. When a person manufactures or possesses an explosive device with the intent to distribute, that will be a crime. If convicted of violating the statute, the offender will be guilty of a felony. 

Pedestrian Under the Influence: Similarly to driving under the influence, there is a statute for people who walk under the influence. It is illegal for pedestrians to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the point it makes them unable to walk. It puts the pedestrian in danger as well as anyone on the road or sidewalk. 

Perjury: A person charged with perjury is being accused of lying while under oath in a judicial proceeding. If convicted, the accused will be convicted of a felony. 

Public Drunk: Public drunkenness occurs when a person is in an intoxicated condition in a public place. However, they must also be engaging in indecent acts, being loud, or using foul language for it to rise to the level of a crime. It is not a crime to be drunk in public; you must also have something accompany the intoxication. 

Riot in a Penal Institution: Individuals confined in penal institutions are not allowed to commit acts of violence or other tumultuous behavior. Violent and tumultuous manner is not defined but courts have deemed it to include shoving guards, throwing bleach at deputies, and attacking a corrections officer. 

Terroristic Acts: In Georgia, a terroristic acts occurs when a person commits dangerous acts with the intent to terrorize. An example is if a person places a burning cross in front of someone's house with intent to terrorize their household. A conviction for terroristic act in Georgia will be treated as a felony conviction. 

Terroristic Threats A terroristic threat has been made when a person threatens to commit any crime of violence, release a hazardous substance, or burn property. Terroristic threats can be a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the action. If the threat suggested the death of the individual, then the offender will be guilty of a felony. However, if the death did not insinuate death, it will be a misdemeanor conviction. 

Unlawful AssemblyUnlawful assembly is a misdemeanor charge in Georgia. It can occur in multiple ways. Even though it is a misdemeanor, it is still important for you to hire an interfering with others and authorities lawyer in Georgia to help with your case. There are always Georgia Criminal Defenseswe can use to defend your case. 

Use of Laser Against AircraftLaser pointers can be a source of enjoyment but their use can be elevated to a crime if used to aim a laser at aircraft. Lasers can make it difficult for pilots to ensure the safety of their passengers. However, the crime of using lasers against an aircraft requires that the device was used knowingly and intentionally. 

Vandalism to a Place of WorshipIt is illegal to vandalize all places but houses of worship have their statute under Georgia law. A crime has occurred when a person maliciously defaces or desecrates a church, synagogue, or other place of public religious worship. 

Voter Fraud: There are a variety of ways a person can be charged with voter fraud in Georgia. While some charges are misdemeanors, most offenses are felonies that will have a life-altering impact. 

1st Degree Arson: Arson is broken down into three different categories: first, second, and third degree arson. Arson in the first degree occurs when a person knowingly damages a house or car of another by fire or explosion

2nd Degree Arson: Arson in the second degree occurs when in the commission of a felony, the person knowingly damages property by fire or explosion. 2nd degree arson is treated as a felony conviction. 

3rd Degree Arson: Arson in the third degree occurs when a person uses fire or explosive to damage property that has a value of $25.00 or more. It is also a felony conviction.  

Penalty for a Conviction for Interfering with Others or Authorities in Georgia

A conviction for a crime that falls under this category varies greatly depending on the offense. However, the majority of the crimes are considered felony convictions and include prison and fines. The prison time ranges from one year to twenty years and the fine could be $1,000.00 or $250,000.00. Some of the crimes are considered misdemeanor offenses and the maximum penalty will be $1,000 in fines and up to one year in jail.

Felony convictions carry consequences beyond prison and fines. Having a felony conviction on your record can make it difficult to find employment, obtain credit, buy a house, and will result in a loss of voting rights 

Because of the wide range of penalties, it is crucial that you retain an Interfering with Others or Authorities Attorney in Georgia to help you through the process.

Georgia Defenses:

It was accidental: Evidence proving that the damage was committed without the knowledge of harming or intending to damage would be greatly beneficial to your case.

Lack of evidence: The State must have sufficient evidence tying the suspect to the damaging of property. If there is not enough evidence proving that the suspect did it beyond a reasonable doubt, then they cannot be guilty.

How Can a Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyer Help

One of the major benefits to having a Georgia Interfering with Others or Authorities Attorney is that they can try to work out a better deal with the prosecutor than you would get on your own. Whether it is trying to get the charges lowered or argue your innocence, your Lawyer can help get you a more favorable outcome. Every case is different therefore there is no defense that works for every crime. Your Interfering with Others or Authorities Lawyer in Georgia will examine your case to determine what your best arguments are and seek to create gaps in the prosecutor's case.

Contact Us

After practicing for 20 plus years throughout Georgia, the Office of Lawson and Berry know how to work out deals with the prosecutor. Don't try to handle it on your own. Your Georgia Interfering with Others or Authorities Attorney will investigate all the details surrounding your case and evaluate your options. They will be available all the time to you – even nights and weekends – because your case is important. Lawson and Berry and their team of Interfering with Others or Authorities in Georgia Lawyers will work with you to fight your charge and avoid a conviction. Call today to schedule a free case evaluation.

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Contact Us Today for Immediate Help

The time is now to start preparing your defense! Many times people lose the opportunity to put on their best defense because they wait. The importance of hiring a lawyer from the very beginning cannot be overstated! Waiting allows for witnesses to leave the area, evidence to be lost, and memories to fade. All of these have a direct effect on the successful on your case. The time to begin your case and start prepping your defense is now! Contact us today to put on your best Georgia criminal defense!
