Have You Been Charged with a City Ordinance Violation in Georgia?
In Georgia, cities and municipalities have the power to create their own set of laws known as city or local ordinances. Ordinances are municipality-specific laws. and although they can be similar across municipalities, ordinances and the penalties for their violation vary from city to city. Ordinance violations can be charged as civil or criminal offenses depending on the circumstances. In most situations, ordinance violations are relatively minor offenses, such as disorderly conduct or violating a local noise ordinance. Even though they can be minor offenses, working with an experienced Georgia Violation of City Ordinance Lawyer can help mitigate the consequences.
Examples of City Ordinance Violations in Georgia
Some common violations of city ordinances in Georgia include:
- Disorderly conduct
- Noise violation
- Vandalism
- Public intoxication
- Using fireworks without a proper permit
- Zoning violations
What Happens if You Have Received a City Ordinance Violation in Georgia?
When charged with violating a city ordinance, you will be ordered to appear municipal court of the city where the violation occurred. At your court date, you will be expected to have a lawyer or be ready to proceed without one. You will give the judge your plea of guilty or not guilty or request to speak with the prosecutor. In the event you hired an attorney, they can speak with the prosecutor before or on your court date to negotiate your case. However, if you attend this court date and request a trial, you will likely receive a new court date.
Penalty for City Ordinance Violations in Georgia
City ordinance violations are punished with a fine up to $1,000, up to 6 months in jail, or both. This is slightly less than the misdemeanor punishment, which is up to 12 months in jail and up to a $1,000 fine. Receiving jail time for a city ordinance violation is not very common, but it can happen in severe circumstances.
Contact a Georgia Violation of a City Ordinance Attorney Today
Contacting an experienced city ordinance lawyer in Georgia as soon as you can is the best strategy for fighting your charge. While it may seem like the easiest option to pay the fine and move on with your life, there are many charges that will stay on your record and potentially impact your future. Furthermore, having one or more ordinance violations on your record can lead to jail time and fines. Don't just simply pay the fine for a local ordinance violation! Fight the charge with an experienced Georgia criminal defense lawyer. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.