Chamblee officials have been looking for two suspects since early this morning.
According to reports, two passengers ran from officers after a high speed police chase. Police managed to apprehend and arrest the vehicle's driver however. The driver is facing charges of fleeing police, obstruction, and theft by receiving in Georgia. Police attempted to stop the car because the vehicle came back as being reported stolen. They attempted to stop it at the intersection of Buford Highway and Dresden. However, the car did not pull over. The driver sped off and eventually crashed the vehicle at the dead end on Johnson Road.
All three suspects attempted to run. As mentioned above the driver was apprehended, but the two passengers started firing at police as they ran away. Officers were reported to have returned fire. No injuries seemed to have occurred but the two suspects made it away from the scene.
As a Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyer, I will outline one of the numerous offenses mentioned in the story above in today's post. I will focus on resisting, hindering, or obstructing law enforcement officers in the post below.
Obstruction of a Law Enforcement Officer in Georgia
Obstruction of a law enforcement officer in Georgia is taken seriously by judges and prosecutors alike. It can be classified as either a felony or a misdemeanor based on the circumstances surrounding the crime. However, regardless of whether it is classified as a felony or a misdemeanor, the penalties for an obstruction conviction are not merely a slap on the wrist.
Georgia Law in §16-10-24 of the Georgia Code defines obstruction as well as separates misdemeanor level obstruction from felony level obstruction. The breakdown of the two levels of obstruction occurs in the first two sections of the law.
Misdemeanor obstruction is defined in O.C.G.A. §16-10-24(a) as:
When a person knowingly or willfully obstructs or hinders any law enforcement officer in the lawful discharge of his official duties.
The penalty for a misdemeanor conviction in Georgia is a fine up to $1,000, jail time up to one year, or both. It can also come with community service, anger management classes, or any other punishments allowed under the misdemeanor sentencing laws of Georgia.
Felony obstruction is defined in O.C.G.A. §16-10-24(b) as:
When a person knowingly and willfully resists, obstructs, or opposes any law enforcement officer, prison guard, correctional officer, community supervision officer, probation officer, or conservation officer in the lawful discharge of his or her official duties by offering or doing violence to the person.
The penalty for a felony obstruction conviction is a prison term between one and five years. In addition to any prison term imposed, the accused will pay a fine of at least $300.
Practice Note
Typically, an obstruction conviction ends with a list of penalties. If you or a loved one has been accused of resisting an officer during an arrest, contact a Georgia Criminal Defense Attorney now.
We can help you with your case today and determine which Georgia Criminal Defenses apply to your case. Call today.
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